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Chris Doeller (General Manager, Industrieinformatik (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.)

Chris Doeller

General Manager, Industrieinformatik (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Chris Doeller is a Mechanical and Industrial Engineer and has more than 30 years’ experience in implementing ERP and MES systems, especially at Automotive companies in Europe and in China.
Since 1993 Chris is familiar with cronetwork MES and in 2011 he became partner of Industrie Informatik in China.

Frank Gaenzle (Managing Partner, Startup Factory (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.)

Frank Gaenzle

Managing Partner, Startup Factory (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
Wolfgang Weiss (Managing Partner, Startup Factory (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.)

Wolfgang Weiss

Managing Partner, Startup Factory (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
Kevin Chen (Senior Consultant, Industrie Informatik (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.)

Kevin Chen

Senior Consultant, Industrie Informatik (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.

Kevin Chen has more than 10 years MES implementation experience.

Will Deng (Senior Consultant, Industrie Informatik (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.)

Will Deng

Senior Consultant, Industrie Informatik (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.

Will Deng has more than 12 years MES implementation experience.
Area of expertise are PDC, MDC and VISUALIZATION.

Paul Jin (Sales Director, Industrie Informatik (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.)

Paul Jin

Sales Director, Industrie Informatik (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.

Paul Jin received his Master of Science at Tongji University and Stuttgart University.
During his internships at Fraunhofer Institute IPA in Stuttgart, with his experience of MES project implementation in Germany and China he got familiar with digital Plant simulations and MES.